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How to edit my profile?

Everyone with an account at BulldozAIR has a profile. You can add or modify your profile picture, email address, name, password, language settings, mobile phone number, notifications, and company name and picture from your profile settings.
Consider adding a profile picture and your company’s name and/or picture in your profile settings as it will help other users faster identify you.

To edit your profile:

  1. Tap the “⋮” icon on the top right corner
  2. Select “User”
  3. Add or modify the information displayed on your profile, the changes will be saved automatically

  1. Select “Account” on the top of the app
  2. Add or modify the information displayed on your profile
  3. Click on “Update my account” to save all the changes

  1. Click here to go to the login page
  2. Go over the account icon on the top right corner of the window
  3. Select “Edit account”
  4. Add or modify the information displayed on your profile
  5. Click on the checkmark icon on the bottom right corner to save all the changes