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Can I choose which projects to synchronize?

Yes, you can select the projects you want to synchronize.

Dealing with extensive amounts of information can lead to lengthy synchronization processes as well as the saturation of storage space in your devices. To avoid these issues without compromising your productivity, users can take advantage of the selective synchronization feature. This characteristic will allow you to select only the projects you need and avoid lengthy synchronizations processes. Additionally, this feature will save storage space on your device as deactivating the synchronization for a project will automatically free storage space by deleting the physical files of the project from your device.

To select which projects to synchronize:

  1. Tap the “☰” icon on the top left corner of the window
  2. Tap the “⋮” icon next to the project you want to modify to display the option to synchronize
  3. Activate or deactivate synchronization by tapping its button on the right
  4. Tap the checkmark icon to save the changes
Only available on Android
There is no need for synchronization while using the WebApp

With selective synchronization, you will never need to worry about the length of the synchronization process. Only select the projects you need and synchronize in an instant.